RNY FC Latest News

RNY Makes News Across the Pond

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Words from RNYFC co-owner and English football star Jamie Vardy, RNY FC Sporting Director Dr. Lee Tucker, and head coach Bruno Baltazar, highlight the multiple challenges that Rochester NY FC has had to overcome. And although RNY FC has struggled, the three speak of the success this club has had and continues to have, defying all odds. 

'We always knew it was going to be really tough to begin with,' Vardy says. 'We had a few laughs at some of the situations Lee found himself in, but we always knew things would get better with time. David and Wendy have supported the team and the whole club so well, it is nice to see the results on the pitch recently which is a nice reward for them.' 

Coach Baltazar continues, 'I have to be honest and say at one point I started to ask myself if this was ever going to happen.'

Dr. Lee Tucker on the current success as a club, 'We are moving in that positive direction which is great. Getting into the playoffs would be a great bonus'

Read more about the Rochester NY FC story, seeing where the club started and where they are now using this link https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11027939/Against-odds-Jamie-Vardys-Rochester-New-York-rise.html