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Pride Month Community Spotlight: Miles Huff

Miles Huff

Chattanooga Football Club is proud to recognize Miles Huff, an executive coordinator for the City of Chattanooga.

Miles Huff didn’t always live in Chattanooga, but he fell in love when he visited the aquarium with his mother in 1997. From that moment, he knew where his future was.

“As a gay kid growing up in Appalachia, visiting Chattanooga felt like a whole new world, and I told myself I would live here someday.”

Huff left Appalachia, graduated from Lee University and moved to Chattanooga, where he has lived ever since.

How Chattanooga has grown with Pride

Huff arrived in Chattanooga at a time where Pride was not as accepted as it is now. He has witnessed the rise of Pride and the importance of this rise.

“I love that our community is evolving, and I know that has only happened because of the work these organizations have done. I am able to be an out, proud, gay man because individuals and these organizations are doing the work - I don’t take that lightly."

Inclusivity is vital to any community. For Huff, Chattanooga is a champion of inclusion, but there can be more done for the transgender community and LGBTQ people of color.

“We have come so far from where we were, and I often brag about how inclusive Chattanooga is for our community. However, we have a long way to go in terms of celebrating our trans community, our young LGBTQ+ folks, and our LGBTQ+ communities of color. We need more environments like a CFC game, where everyone is welcomed and accepted. Sports bring people together, and while I wouldn’t consider myself a sports fan, I am a CFC fan precisely because of this reason.”

With help from inclusive environments in the city, like Chattanooga FC, Huff has found and fostered areas for many to find a community.

A message for LGBT youth and allies in Chattanooga

Huff didn’t have the LGBTQ+ role models others have now, but he has a message for those who are looking for one:

“We are here, you are seen, you are not alone, and you are loved. There is a community waiting to greet you, love you, hug you, and support you on your journey. I grew up without a role model in the LGTBQ+ community and wish I had known there were others like me who had been successful, but also just happy. It sounds simple, but it gets better."

Huff acknowledges that there is more work to be done than just verbal and physical support. The power of a vote and the power of money pushes the message further.

“Money matters, voting matters, and we need our allies more than ever. Our local business community can champion inclusive companies, suppliers, and employees who embrace inclusivity and acceptance. Use your power for good, and take a stance of supporting the LGTBQ+ community. For our allies, we need you to be our champions and we need you to vote for people who won’t erase us or fight to do so. Be loud, be proud, and fight for us even when we aren’t there."

Pride has come a long way, and still has a long way to go. With role models like Miles Huff, Chattanooga Pride will continue to grow for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community.